July 15, 2016

Retreat Guidelines

Your organizers want to create a retreat space that feels safe and open to the crazy kinds of fun that we’re into. Not a simple balance to strike, all things considered. We concluded that, as a community, it’s easy to trust that we all know how to be respectful and considerate to each other. So, instead of drafting up rules, we landed on some broader guidelines:

Self-Reliant, Self-Responsible Adults: All of us are self-reliant adults. All of us have strong communication skills. All of us are practiced at responsibly navigating atypical situations. When it comes to your choices, whether it regards your sobriety, or your clothing/costume/lack-there-of, or your volume, or your sexual activities, we expect you to be a self-reliant and self-responsible adult.

Consent: We all know what consent is. We know how to ask for consent. And we know how to check-in with people as circumstances and contexts shift. We expect you to keep this practice foremost in mind through the weekend. We invite you to practice asking for consent in more ways than you usually would. We encourage you to check-in with people more often. We explicitly request that everyone practice being extra considerate.

Safe Enough: Our practices carry inherent physical and emotional risks. Whether it’s sexual behavior, frank discussions of emotionally charged topics, BDSM, or just how we hold space for each other, we know we can’t completely remove all risk. Instead, we strive to create and support a space where we feel safe enough to explore and celebrate these experiences.

All Of Us Are Your Allies. All Of Us Are Your Support: If at any point over the weekend you feel like you need to recenter, get some extra support, or vent about how you’re feeling, we hope you will remember that each and every one of us is your ally. Any one of us can help. You only need ask.