November 3, 2016

Ethics Committee

The RA Ethics Committee was formed in the spring of 2015 to create a body of individuals from within our community whose scope of work would support personal and community accountability on all levels. That work began by drafting a document describing the values, principles, and standards that guide the RA community (our Code of Ethics). The work has since focused more on:

  • developing practices that support personal and community accountability on all levels, and
  • addressing instances when community members transgress our shared principles.

Much of our personal and community accountability processes align with the ideas described by transformative justicecreative intervention, and restorative justice. A full list of the resources that continue to shape our community accountability practices can be seen here. Our goal is to support accountability and change through compassion and connection.

We recognize that no practice is perfect.

We work to align our practices with our shared community ethics.

We strive to be accountable to our community for our actions and decisions.

Point of Contact

The current point of contact for the Ethics Committee is Friedel.

Ethics Committee interventions

When necessary, the Ethics Committee may form an intervention group to address a specific harm, risk, report, or individual. This practice creates a closed process container to better support privacy, safety, and consistency for all individuals involved. It’s then the responsibility of the intervention group to hold and balance the dynamic tension between the need to support reasonable practices of confidentiality and the need to support personal and community accountability by prioritizing transparency.