Relationship Anarchy Basics; Marie S. Crosswell, 3-22-2014.

This article was published by The Good Men Project on March 22, 2014. The author, Marie S. Crosswell, is a celibate asexual, a radical relationship anarchist, a thinker, and a writer. Her short fiction can be found in Thuglit , Plots with Guns, Flash Fiction Offensive, Beat to a Pulp, Betty Fedora, Dark Corners, and Locked and Loaded: Both Barrels Vol. 3. Her novella Lone Star on a Cowboy Heart was published in July 2016. You can read more by Marie S. Crosswell here.    Marie Crosswell introduces us to relationship anarchy, a new way of redefining – or undefining – relationships.   What is relationship anarchy? Relationship anarchy is a lifestyle, a way of doing personal relationships. Relationship anarchy is a philosophy, specifically a philosophy of love. A relationship anarchist believes that love is abundant and infinite, that all forms of love are equal, that relationships can and should develop organically with no adherence to rules or expectations from outside sources, that two people in any kind of emotionally salient relationship should have the freedom to do whatever they naturally desire both inside their relationship and outside of it with other people. When, where, how, and by who did relationship anarchy get started? It’s unclear. Very few resources exist about relationship anarchy at this point, but it’s definitely a philosophy that’s recently evolved out of the polyamorous community. Two online sources about the “guidelines” of relationship anarchy come from an unknown contributor in New Zealand during the first decade of the 2000sRead more