10 Things to Be Prepared for When Negotiating Consentual Non-monogamy

Cunning Minx’s Polyamory Weekly Blog. Her book 8 Things I wish I’d know about polyamory before I tried it and frakked it up is now available on Amazon. Please support Cunning Minx’s continuing work by making a donation to Cunning Minx’s tip jar on the Poly Weekly site. Cunning Minx, Feb 20, 2008 Gathered for a seminar at A Woman’s Touch in Madison, a rough draft: One: Become a different person. Adopting a non-monogamous mindset and lifestyle in a monogamous world can be a transformative process. The level of communication, self-examination and brutal honesty required for healthy relationships with yourself and your partners is very high and tends to provide a challenge to even the most secure and open people. As you explore and develop relationships, you will most likely discover things about yourself and your partners that will fundamentally change how you think and quite possibly who you are and how you view the world. As with any relationship in which long-term love is involved, you will change. Two: Welcome change and personal growth. If you crave stability and are most comfortable in a world with minimal change, you probably don’t want to be non-monogamous. In fact, you probably don’t want to be in a relationship at all, because exposing yourself to another person’s life will most assuredly change yours, no matter how stable you believe that person to be. Be prepared to find out more about yourself, your fears and your capacity to love than you ever wanted to know.Read more

Relationship support

  Cunning Minx: 10 Things to be prepared for when negotiating consentual non-monogamy Couple privilege Eri Kardos: Preparing your relationships for Burning Man Eve Rickert & Franklin Veaux: More than two: A practical guide to polyamory